For photo editor

For photo editor

for photo editor

Looking for free photo editing apps for your photos? Read our top picks for Android and iPhone with awesome filters and tools to retouch and edit your. Photo Editor- is a fun and simple way to make beautiful photos in seconds. Use stunning filters, stickers, frames and other tools to create and share. Free Online Image Editor create your own animated gifs resize crop avatars and images. Photo tool for your favorite pictures. Edit an image here fast and.

Thematic video

Editing RAW Files on the iPad Pro - 3 Apps I Use

For photo editor - amusing


Adobe Lightroom is a powerful and impressive photo editing app. The app is part of the software suite beneath Adobe’s Creative Cloud. The range of features makes Lightroom one of the best photo editing apps.

The bonus is that the app itself is free. You can make use of a decent variety of standard editing tools as standard. A premium monthly subscription is available if you want to access the full range of tools.

But the free version allows you to retouch, crop, and enhance with ease. You can apply detailed effects with simple sliders and select from broad color adjustments. You can even adjust perspective and add more subtle effects.

The free version of the app feels focused on the basics. Premium content includes advanced geometry, healing, and masking tools. You’ll also find a gallery of professional presets. You can spend as much time as you want in Lightroom. For fast, Instagram-friendly images, or more complex edits, Lightroom balances needs well.

Lightroom syncs with your photo library, removing waiting for frustrating shot imports. This makes editing on the go easy. Even if you stick with the free version, the range of tools makes Lightroom worth downloading. It is simple to navigate, easy to master, and wonderfully efficient.

Image of the Adobe Lightroom app in the App Store

4. VSCO: Photo & Video Editor


photo editor pixlrLogin / singn upSign up / Log inGet premiumTry premium

{"common-email":"Email","common-login":"Login","common-password":"Password","common-rememberMe":"Remember me","common-forgotPass":"Forgot Password?","common-notMember":"Not a member?","common-signUpNow":"Sign up now!","common-signUp":"Sign Up","common-country":"Country","common-back":"Back","common-continueWith":"Continue with","common-orUseEmail":"Or use email","common-signUpLogIn":"Sign up / Log in","common-alreadyMember":"Already a member?","common-loginHere":"Log in here!","common-code":"Code","common-verifyAcc":"Verify your account","common-verify":"Verify","common-resend":"Re-send again?","common-didNotReceiveCode":"I didn't receive a code!","common-backReg":"Back to registration","common-forgottenPass":"Forgotten your password?","common-resetPassDesc":"Please enter your email address to reset your password.","common-reqCode":"Request Code","common-resetPass":"Password reset","common-newPass":"New Password","common-oldPass":"Old Password","common-updatePass":"Update Password","common-terms":"Terms of Use & Privacy Notice","common-regNewsletter":"I would like to receive updates, freebies, promos and other marketing emails from Pixlr.","common-regRecommendations":"I am interested to receive suggestions and recommendations related to my interest for Pixlr.","common-agree":"Agree","common-and":"and","common-termsOfUse":"Terms Of Use","common-privacyPolicy":"Privacy Policy","common-agreeTo":"By continuing, you agree to our","common-sentCodeDesc":"We sent an email to [EMAIL] with the verification code. Please enter the code below.","common-newEmail":"New Email","common-above16":"I am at least 16 years old.","common-readAgreements":"I have read and agree to the Terms of Use & Privacy Notice.","common-enterValidEmail":"Please enter a valid email format.","common-enterValidCode":"Please enter a valid code.","common-refuse":"Refuse","common-changeEmail":"Change Email Address","common-changePassword":"Change Password","common-EnterValidEmail":"Please enter a valid email format.","common-EnterValidCountry":"Please choose a valid country.","common-EnterValidNewsletter":"Please choose a valid newsletter.","common-MinPassword":"Minimum 8 characters in length.","common-InvalidPassword":"Invalid password. Please try again.","common-EmailNotExists":"This email doesn't exist.","common-EmailAlreadyExists":"This email already exists.","common-SuccessReSendCodeToEmail":"Verification code re-sent to {email}! Please check your email.","common-SuccessSendCodeEmail":"Verification code sent to {email}! Please check your email.","common-EnterValidCode":"Please enter a valid code.","common-WrongCode":"Oops, wrong code. Please try again.","common-SuccessUpdatePassword":"Your password has been successfully updated. Please log in again.","common-EmailAlreadyExistVerify":"Email already exists. Please verify your email.","common-EmailSuccessVerified":"Your account has been successfully verified!","common-EmailUpdated":"Email successfully updated","common-CodeExpired":"Code has expired.","common-FailedResendCode":"Failed to re-send code.","common-ServerError":"Server error. Please try again later.","common-ResetPasswordRequired":"Reset password required. We sent an email to {email} with the verification code.","common-EnterValidPassword":"Must have at least 1 lower case, 1 upper case, 1 number and 1 symbol character.","common-MaxPassword":"Maximum 50 characters in length.","common-RequestCodeTooFrequent":"Too many requests. Please try again after 30 seconds.","common-3TimesFailedAttempts":"Too many failed attempts. Please try again after {minuteRemaining} minutes.","common-CannotUseSamePassword":"Failed to update password. Cannot use same password!","common-CannotLeaveEmpty":"Cannot leave field empty","common-InvalidEmailOrPassword":"Invalid email or password. Please try again.","common-verificationCodeReceived":"You will receive the verification code if {email} is registered with us.","common-UserNotExists":"User not exists!","common-PleaseUseSocialOrForgetPassword":"This account is registered via {social}. Please login via {social} or click forget password","common-SendResetCode":"Send password reset code","common-setPassword":"Set Password","common-deleteMyAccount":"Delete My Account","common-sadToSeeYouGoWhyLeaving":"It’s sad to see you go. Life happens, we understand.
But would you mind sharing with us why you’re leaving Pixlr?","common-leavingBecause":"I’m leaving Pixlr because :","common-leavingReasonDefault":"Choose your reason","common-leavingReasons1":"I have a duplicate account","common-leavingReasons2":"I’m using another site","common-leavingReasons3":"I have privacy concern","common-leavingReasons4":"I’m getting too many emails","common-leavingReasons5":"I can't find the right feature","common-deleteMyAccountSuccess":"Done! Your Pixlr account has been deleted.","common-afterFileSaveRegister":"Your file is saved in the selected folder! Want to get more out of Pixlr? Sign up for a free account!","common-afterFileSaveTryPremium":"Your file is saved in the selected folder! Skip ads, get more features and tons of content. Try 30-day FREE premium!","common-success":"Success!","common-youAreOffline":"You are offline, some services might be unavailable.","common-makeAvailableOffline":"Make apps available offline.","editTemplate":"Edit Your Templates","teamSub":"Team Subscription?","planAccessToPixlrWillEnd":"Your Team Plan access to PIXLR will end on","immediately":"immediately","butWaitTeam":"But wait, here's what you get with PIXLR Team","leaveTeam":"Leave Team","iveChangedMyMind":"I have changed my mind","wantToCancelYourSubscription":"Want to cancel your subscription","yourPixlrWillEnd":"Your free trial access to PIXLR will end on","butWaitPremium":"But wait, here’s what you get with PIXLR Premium","aiToolsFeatures":"AI Tools (AI CutOut, Glitch, Focus, Dispersion Studio, etc.)","growingLibrary":"Growing library of Templates","exclusiveFonts":"Hundreds of exclusive Fonts","50OffYearlyPlan":"Get 50% off yearly plan","30OffMonthlyPlan":"Get 30% off monthly plan","cancelAnyway":"Cancel anyway","switchToPixlrFree":"Switch To PIXLR Free","yourCurrentSubscriptionIs":"Your current subscription is : %s","onceYourSubscriptionExpiresYouWillLose":"Once your subscription expires, you will lose:","toContinueEnjoyPremiumYouMayReactivateInMyaccount":"To continue enjoying the advantages of a %s subscription, you may reactivate your subscription renewal anytime before it expires through My Account.","afterYour":"After your","expires":"expires, you will lose","accessToPremiumNewFeatures":"Access to Premium Feature (AI CutOut, Glitch, Focus)","accessToPremiumFonts":"Access to Premium Fonts","accessToPremiumTemplate":"Access to Premium Templates","acessToPremiumAssets":"Access to Premium Assets","accessToTeamManagement":"Access to Team Management","accessToMobileApps":"Access to Pixlr Mobile Apps","adFreeExperience":"Ad-free experience","highPrioSupport":"High priority support","pleaseBackupYourFilesBySavingPXZ":"Please backup your files by saving your project as a .PXZ file on your device.","confirm":"Confirm","OR":"OR","editOn":"Edit on","changeUsername":"Change username","update":"Update","payWith":"Pay with","useCreditCard":"Use credit card","billingDetailsSmallCap":"Billing details","subscriptionBenefits":"Subscription benefits","payYearlyTo":"Pay yearly to","save":"Save","youCanCancelAuto":"You can cancel Auto Renewal at any time through your account settings.","dontJustPayForOne":"Don't just pay for one template! Subscribe to Pixlr Premium to unlock all features in the editor. Get it","iHaveAPromoCode":"I have a promo code","promoCode":"Promo Code","invalidPromoCode":"Invalid promo code!","discountPercentageOffFirstPayingMonth":"{discountAmount} Off first paying month","discountAmountOnlyFirstPayingMonth":"{discountAmount} Only first paying month","apply":"Apply","yearlyPlanOff":"Yearly plan 38% Off","cancelRenewal":"Cancel renewal","reactivateRenewal":"Reactivate renewal","yourFreeTrialWillEndOn":"Your free trial will end on","andYouWillBeCharged":"and you will be charged","forTheFollowingPayingMonth":"for the following paying month","startOneMonthFreeTrial":"START 1 MONTH FREE TRIAL","thankYouForYourPurchase":"Thank you for your purchase","theTemplateIsLoading":"The template is loading, please do not refresh or close this page","paymentMethod":"Payment method","AddOptionalBillingInformation":"Add optional billing information","add":"Add","payNow":"Pay now","monthly":"Monthly","yearly":"Yearly","quarterly":"Quarterly","activeSinceDate":"Active since %s","validUntilDate":"Valid until %s","areYouSureYouWantToDelete":"Are you sure you want to delete your account?","youCanStillChangeYourMind":"You can still change your mind. Or, you can always come back to Pixlr later - we’ll let you register using the same email address ;)","deleteMyAccount":"DELETE MY ACCOUNT","cancel":"Cancel","paymentFailed":"Payment Failed","paymentUnsuccessful":"Payment was unsuccessful. Please try again later.","newUsername":"New Username","agreementBar":"By using our site, you acknowledge that you read and understand our","continueOnPaypal":"Continue on paypal","pleaseCompleteYourPaymentAtPaypal":"Please complete your payment at Paypal","pleaseDoNotRefreshOrCloseThisPageWhilePaymentIsProcessing":"Please do not refresh or close this page while payment is processing","youWillAutomaticallyBeRedirectedToTheEditor":"You will automatically be redirected to the editor","youWillAutomaticallyBeRedirectedToMyAccount":"You will automatically be redirected My Account page","SuccessfullyUpdateUserProfile":"Successfully update user profile","accept":"Accept","decline":"Decline","licenseAgreement":"License Agreement","termsOfUse":"Terms of Use","privacyPolicy":"Privacy Policy","cookiePolicy":"Cookie Policy","promoCodeValidOneTimeOnly":"Code is valid for a one-time use only. Not applicable for auto-renewal plans and $1 templates, or with usage of other discounts, on-going promotions or gift vouchers.","codeIsvalidForOneTimeOnlyDiscountNotAppliedToNextCharges":"Code is valid for one-time use only. Discount will not be applied to any subsequent charges, $1 templates, or other ongoing promotions.","numberOfSeatsWillBeRemoved":"%d seat(s) will be removed from your team upon renewal","setPasswordToTransferOwnership":"Set your password to transfer ownership!","invitationSent":"Invitation sent!","numberOfUser":"%d user(s)","removeSeats":"Remove seat(s)","removeSeatsAndUsers":"Remove seat(s) and user(s)","whoOnYourTeam":"Who's on your team?","youAreNowOwnerInviteSomeFriends":"You are now an owner of a team subscription. %s Invite some friends!","shareLinkToInviteUsers":"Share this link to invite users","copy":"Copy","inviceUsers":"Invite users","inviteNow":"Invite now","seatsUsed":"seats used","illDoItLater":"I'll do it later","addMoreSeats":"+ Add more seats","addMoreSeatEach":"+ Add more seats at $3.99 each","youReachMaximumUsers":"You have reached the maximum amount of users.","cantRemoveSeatsMinimum5":"You can't remove anymore seats because the minimum seats per team subscription is 5.","noAdditionalSeatsToRemove":"No additional seats to remove","seats":"seats","additionalSeats":"Additional seats","needMoreSeats":"Need more seats?","x5SeatIncluded":"x5 seats included","payAmountNow":"PAY {amount} NOW","start30DaysTrial":"Start 30 Days Free Trial","areYouSureToRemoveNumberSeats":"Are you sure you want to remove %d seat(s)?","areYouSureToRemoveNumberSeatsAndUsers":"Are you sure you want to remove %d seat(s) and %d user(s)?","theseSeatsWillBeRemoveAndNotRenewed":"The seat(s) will be removed on %s and will not be renewed.","theseSeatsAndUserWillBeRemoveAndNotRenewed":"By removing %d seat(s), you will also be removing the %d users' subscription. 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Please add a payment method to complete the Owner Transfer.","addPaymentMethod":"Add payment method","updatePaymentMethod":"Update payment method","paymentUpdatedSuccessful":"Payment updated Successfully!","paymentAddSuccessful":"Payment Added Successfully!","failedToUpdatePayment":"Failed To Update Payment!","failedToAddPayment":"Failed To Add Payment!","setAsPrimary":"Set as primary","updatePrimaryCardSuccessful":"Primary Card Updated Successfully!","updatePrimaryCardFailed":"Failed To Update Primary Card!","cardRemovedSuccessfully":"Card Removed Successfully!","cardRemovedFailed":"Failed To Remove Card!","areYouSureWantToLeaveTeamSub":"Are you sure you want to Leave %s's Team Subscription?","yourTeamAccessWillEndImmediate":"Your access to Pixlr Team will end immediately.","butWaitHereWhatYouWillLoseWithTeam":"But wait, here's what you will lose by leaving Pixlr Team:","everythingInPixlrPremium":"Everything in Pixlr Premium","crossTeamCollaboration":"Cross-team collaboration","teamMembers":"Team members","teamManagement":"Team management","moreFeaturesComingSoon":"More features coming soon!","setPasswordToChangeEmail":"Set your password to change email!","setPasswordToDeleteAccount":"Set your password to delete account!","transferYourTeamOwnershipBeforeDeleteAccount":"You are a team owner of an existing Team Subscription. Please transfer the ownership of this subscription to another user before trying to delete your Pixlr account again.","thankYouExclamation":"Thank You!","yourConfirmationHasBeenSent":"Your confirmation email has been sent to your email","failedToUpdateSubscription":"Failed to update your subscription","tryAgain":"Try Again","enterYourPasswordToContinue":"Enter your password to continue","never":"Never","failedToRemoveSeats":"Failed to remove seats!","noUserSelected":"No User Selected!","failedToCancelRenewal":"Failed to cancel renewal","removePaymentMethod":"Remove payment method","thisCardWillBeDeletedAreYouSure":"This card will be deleted from your account. Are you sure?","yourAccessToPremiumAssetWillEndNow":"Your access to Premium assets and features on PIXLR will end immediately.","leave":"Leave","owner":"Owner","activated":"Activated","areYouPartOfEnterpriseSchoolContactUsForSpecialPackage":"Are you part of a large enterprise or school? Contact us for a special package!","of2OrMorePeople":"of 2 or more people.","aTeam":"A team","saveMore":"Save more!","tryForFree":"Try for free","iAm":"I am ..","anIndividual":"An individual","inNeedPersonalSubscription":"in need of a personal subscription.","subscribeNow":"Subscribe now","try30DaysFree":"Try 30 days free","contactUs":"Contact us","tryFreeForAMonth":"Try free for a month","pleaseRemoveTeamSubscriptionBeforeDeleteAccount":"Please remove your team subscription in Billing and subscription before deleting your account","successfullyRedeemedWelcomePixlrPremium":"Successfully redeemed! Welcome to Pixlr Premium.","congratsYouNowHaveFullAccess":"Congratulations! You now have full, ad-free access to:","pixlrXAndE":"Pixlr X and E","aiCutoutFocusStudioGlitchAndMoreAI":"AI CutOut, Focus Studio, Glitch Studio (and future AI tools)","pixlrMobileApps":"Pixlr mobile apps","pricingFeaturesItem3":"Full access to Pixlr","pricingFeaturesItem4":"Extensive editing tools","pricingFeaturesItem5":"AI CutOut (and future AI tools)","pricingFeaturesItem6":"3,000 extra overlays","pricingFeaturesItem7":"7,000 extra icons/stickers","pricingFeaturesItem8":"5,000 decorative texts","pricingFeaturesItem9":"Support us, thanks!","pricingFeaturesItem10":"Ad free!","pricingFeaturesItem11":"18,000 Assets","pricingFeaturesItem12":"Templates","pricingFeaturesItem13":"Supports a maximum of 8196 x 8196 image resolution","startEditing":"Start editing","exclusiveVideoTutorials":"Exclusive video tutorials","enterYourLicenseKeyHere":"Enter your License Key here","premiumTryFree":"Free Premium","premiumSkipAds":"Skip ads and try:","freeTrialOnlyForNewUserAndOncePerCustomer":"*30 day free trial is only eligible for new users and can only be claimed once per customer.","try30DayFreePremium":"Try 30 days of free Premium","premiumBounceTitle":"Unlock Premium and smash creative boundaries!","premiumFeatureAlso":"Premium users also have:","premiumFeaturePitchOne":"Thousands of Templates","premiumFeaturePitchTwo":"One-click background removal","premiumFeaturePitchThree":"Hundreds of exclusive fonts","premiumFeaturePitchFour":"Dispersion, Glitch and Focus Studios","premiumFeaturePitchFive":"Ad free and downloadable version ..","premiumTemplateSalesPitch":"Pay a one-time fee to unlock this premium template, or become a Premium member and get access to the entire library of professionally made designs.","premiumFontSalesPitch":"Get access to hundreds of unique and Premium fonts from well known artists to use in your designs.","premiumCutoutSalesPitch":"With one click, instantly remove image backgrounds with the Pixlr AI included in Premium.","premiumElementSalesPitch":"Add extra flair to your design with several thousands of extra premium elements.","premiumStudioSalesPitch":"Get access to the Premium Studio tools to create even more impressive images and designs in just a click.","premiumPhotomashSalesPitch":"Get access to all current and future Photomash designs.","premiumBatchSalesPitch":"Speed up you work and batch up to 50 images at a time as a Premium user.","viewRetouchTitle":"Retouch","viewLoadTitle":"Loading","viewLiquifyErase":"Restore","viewLiquifySwirlCCW":"Swirl left","viewLiquifySwirlCW":"Swirl right","viewLiquifyShrink":"Shrink","viewLiquifyGrow":"Enlarge","viewLiquifyMove":"Push","viewLiquifyLocked":"You can only Liquify image layers, select another layer!","viewEffectTitle":"Effect","viewDrawLocked":"You can only draw on image layers!","viewCutoutTitle":"Cutout","viewCropReset":"Reset crop","viewCropTip":"The size aspect will resize the image once the crop panel is closed.","viewCropOutput":"Output size:","viewCropPreset":"Preset","viewCropRatio":"Ratio","viewCropAspect":"Select aspect","viewCropFlipV":"Flip vertical","viewCropFlipH":"Flip horizontal","viewCropRR":"Rotate right","viewCropRL":"Rotate left","viewCropRotate":"Rotate & flip","viewCropTitle":"Crop","viewBottomBarSaveTT":"Save (ctrl+s)","viewBottomBarCloseTT":"Close (ctrl+q)","viewBottomBarRedoTT":"Redo ctrl+y","viewBottomBarUndoTT":"Undo ctrl+z","viewBottomBarRedo":"Redo","viewBottomBarUndo":"Undo","viewArrangeLocked":"No layer selected, click a layer in the workspace or in the layer bar to select it.","viewArrangeTip":"Unlock to be able to move, scale or rotate layer.","viewArrangeUnlock":"Unlock","viewArrangeDelete":"Delete (del)","viewArrangeDuplicate":"Duplicate","viewArrangeFlipV":"Flip vertical","viewArrangeFlipH":"Flip horizontal","viewArrangeLockAspect":"Lock aspect","viewArrangeTitle":"Arrange","viewArrangeLink":"Link / Unlink","viewAdjustLocked":"Only image layers can be adjusted, select another layer!","viewAdjustToning":"Toning","viewAdjustTitle":"Adjust","viewAddTextDelete":"Delete text","viewAddTextBackgroundWord":"Word","viewAddTextBackgroundLine":"Line","viewAddTextBackgroundFull":"Full","viewAddTextCaseUpper":"Uppercase","viewAddTextAlignRight":"Right align","viewAddTextAlignCenter":"Center align","viewAddTextAlignLeft":"Left align","viewAddTextAlignJustify":"Justify align","viewAddTextAlignNCase":"Align & case","layerSettings":"Layer Settings","hasCutout":"Has cutout","documentActions":"Document actions","historyDuplicate":"Duplicate","historyUnpin":"Unpin","historyPin":"Pin","historyDelete":"Delete","historyClearConfirm":"Do you really want to clear the History?","sizeUltraHD":"Ultra HD","sizeFullHD":"Full HD","pinnedProjects":"Pinned projects","clearHistory":"Clear history","noHistory":"There are no projects in your history.calculating","dialogSaveHigh":"High","dialogSaveMed":"Med","dialogSaveLow":"Low","dialogSaveTitle":"Save","dialogResizeApplyAll":"When applying resize all layers will be scaled.","dialogResizeContrain":"Constrain proportions","dialogPreResizeMaxSize":"Max %d px","dialogPreResizeExif":"Auto rotate based on exif","dialogPreResizeInfo2":", resize it before you start edit to save on memory and minimize lag.","dialogPreResizeInfo1":"The image you selected is very large","dialogPreResizeTitle":"Pre-resize Image","dialogOpenURLHeadline":"Image URL","dialogOpenURLTitle":"Open image URL","dialogLoadError":"Something went wrong when loading the image .. please try again later ...","dialogLoadLoadingFrom":"Loading %s from %s ...","dialogLoadPrepare":"preparing ...","dialogLoadTitle":"Loading","dialogChoiceHeadline":"Do you want to add the image as a layer in the current document or create a new?","viewAddTextBold":"Bold","viewAddTextItalic":"Italic","viewAddTextUnderline":"Underline","xTitle":"Photo Editor : Pixlr X - free image editing online","xMetaDesc":"Looking for advanced photo editing capabilities right in your browser, Pixlr X is the next generation photo editor! No installation and registration required. Use for free on desktop, tablets & phones.","xMetaSiteName":"Photo Editor : - free image editing online","deleted":"Deleted","titleEditText":"Edit text","titleImageLayer":"Add image as layer","titleRasterizeLayer":"Rasterize layer","viewAddTextPunchout":"Punch out","viewOBarAskPrerezise":"Ask to pre-resize image","viewOBarAskLayertype":"Ask what layer type to add","continue":"Continue","premium":"Premium","unlocked":"Unlocked","viewOBarLockUnlockLayer":"Lock / unlock layer position","viewOBarShowHideLayer":"Show / Hide layer","error":"Error","genericError":"Something went wrong, please try again later.","offline":"Offline","genericOffline":"You are not online, check your internet connection and try again.If you want to save for long term download it as .","viewMenuLayout":"Layout and Template","viewMenuAddText":"Add text","viewMenuMoreTools":"More tools","viewOBarAllTooltip":"Show all menu tooltips on hover","layersMerged":"Layer Merged","compare":"Compare","holdDown":"Hold Down","toggleAll":"Toggle all","titleColorPicker":"Color Picker","historyDescription":"From the local temporary cache, to save a project long term download it as PXZ (Pixlr document)","feedback":"Feedback","help":"Help","tutorials":"Tutorials","adjust":"Adjust","effect":"Effect","cutout":"Cutout","liquify":"Liquify","retouch":"Retouch","dialogSaveNonDestructive":"Non-destructive (Much larger files)","dialogSavePXZDescription":"PXZ is the native Pixlr document format, this will save out the entire working project structure.","mobileVariantDesc":"Pixlr X is made for desktop computers. You are either on a mobile device or the browser window is less than 650px wide. We recommend that you use the mobile web photo editor or make the browser window bigger.","mobileVariantButton":"Use mobile editor","mobileVariantClose":"Ignore and close","welcomeHeadline":"Photo editor & Template designer","welcomeIngress":"Welcome to the free modern photo editor by Pixlr. Start editing by clicking on the open photo button, drag n' drop a file, paste from the clipboard (ctrl+v) or select one of our pre-made templates below.","free":"Free","new":"New","keyword":"Keyword","notAllowed":"Not allowed!","dialogResizeSmoothing":"Smoothing","recommendedDescription":"Trendy and high quality templates hand picked by our team.","templatesDescription":"Browse and find a template by selecting what type of design you want to create below.","softBlur":"Soft blur","bokehBlur":"Bokeh blur","bokehShape":"Bokeh shape","dispersion":"Dispersion","dispersionLocked":"Dispersion only works on image layers, please select another layer!","dispersionCreateMask":"Mask area first!","blendModeLighter":"Lighter","genericNoResult":"No result found, please do another search.","selectionEmpty":"Nothing is selected","viewOBarAccent":"Accent color","viewOBarWorkspace":"Workspace color","email":"Email","loginApple":"Sign in with Apple","or":"or","saveAs":"Save as","loopAnimation":"Loop animation","inclusiveAnimation":"Include hidden layers","zoom":"Zoom","move":"Move","transparent":"Transparent","spot":"Spot","object":"Object","resolve":"Resolve","speed":"Speed","balanced":"Balanced","document":"Document","recommend":"Recommend","popular":"Popular","dialogResizePageTitle":"Resize page (scale)","dialogPageSizeTitle":"Set page size","dialogSizeRelative":"Relative change","dialogSizeAnchor":"Anchor Point","dialogSizeCropWarning":"When changing size any active crop tool will be reset, some cropping of layers may occur if new page size is smaller.","highlights":"Highlights","news":"Updates","noNews":"No new updates!","alphaOrErase":"Alpha / Erase","largeAndLossless":"Large and lossless, ideal for icons and graphics","modrenFormatSuitable":"Modern format suitable for all types of images","popularHighQuality":"Popular high quality video format","funAndSimpleAnimated":"Fun and simple animated image","bestForFlyersAndMarketing":"Best for flyers and marketing material","aZipOfAllTheIndividual":"A zip of all the individual animation frames","completePixlrDocument":"Complete pixlr document for storage/collab"}

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Pixlr M

Pixlr X is made for desktop computers. You are either on a mobile device or the browser window is less than 650px wide. We recommend that you use the mobile web photo editor or make the browser window bigger.

Use mobile editorIgnore and close
GIMP 25th Anniversary Banner


High Quality Photo Manipulation

GIMP provides the tools needed for high quality image manipulation. From retouching to restoring to creative composites, the only limit is your imagination.

Original Artwork Creation

GIMP gives artists the power and flexibility to transform images into truly unique creations.



Graphic Design Elements

GIMP is used for producing icons, graphical design elements, and art for user interface components and mockups.

Programming Algorithms

GIMP is a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation, with multi-language support such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Scheme, and more!


Key Component in a Desktop Publishing Workflow

GIMP provides top-notch color management features to ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital and printed media. It is best used in workflows involving other free software such as Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.

Extensibility & Flexibility

GIMP provides extensibility through integration with many programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl, and more.

The result is a high level of customization as demonstrated by the large number of scripts and plug-ins created by the community.

Building Blocks Graphic

Since winning the App Store App of the year in 2016, Prisma has continued to grow. A photo editing and artwork app at its core, Prisma turns your best photos into stylish paintings. This makes it stand out from other more traditional apps. The app features an ever-expanding library of filters, known as styles.

Using AI technology, Prisma applies your selected style once selected. You can then fine-tune and edit the final image to your heart’s content. You’ll find a full suite of editing options here. It has sliders to adjust saturation, sharpness, and exposure.

While not designed for pure image editing, the capabilities are there. Editing tools are not hidden behind the styles. You are also able to fine-tune your images before applying a filter.

The range of art styles and filter types available is impressive. Prisma releases a new filter every day, meaning the library is ever-expanding. Selecting and testing new styles can get addictive. At its core, this app is perfect for having fun with your images.

With over 120 million users, Prisma has built a real community around the app. You can share your creations on the social side and see other people’s best photos. You can even follow others and chat with them.

A very basic version is free, but two subscription models are available. You can also make use of a free trial period before committing.

Image of the Prisma photo editing app in the App Store

7. Instagram

Android  iPhone

Photoshop Camera is a fun, easy-to-use app. It combines simple fine-tune tools with a library of ‘lenses.’ These apply certain styles to your images, either as you take them or after in the edit.

While it’s not as powerful as the Photoshop products of the past, this is a fun app designed to help you get creative. While the tools on offer are somewhat basic compared to other apps, Photoshop Camera is a great light-hearted option. A bonus is that the app is free, with a small number of optional in-app purchases available.

This is a great option for simple, fun shots and basic adjustments such as cropping and quick fixes.

Image of the Photoshop Camera photo editing app in the App Store


So what is the best photo editing app? The answer may be subjective. It comes down to which app clicks with your style of photography best. Thanks to the high quality of most mobile photo editing apps, it’s easy to be a photographer on the go. Editing pictures has never been so simple.

Most editing apps offer quick and easy photo editing tools. And some even allow you to edit photos and videos. Whether you are an editing pro or a complete beginner, you should try some of our selections of the best photo editing apps.

It won’t take long for you to see which one you prefer. One massive bonus to free apps is that there is no commitment. This means they are a great place to start.

Much of the final decision will come down to your personal preference. Some apps are better for portrait photography, while others are more well-rounded. Ultimately, it’s down to how the app feels and integrates into your photography.

If you opt for Lightroom, check out our Effortless Editing with Lightroom course!